The blog is dead. Long live the blog.
Effective immediately, I'll no longer be using this site anymore.
But before you toss that confetti in the air, I am now conducting my bloggy business at a new address: Please update your bookmarks and feed subscriptions forthwith. See you around.
(The content will remain live on this site so as to make sure that permalinks don't break for others. I'm too lazy to test all the possible scenarious with referrals. Most of the content here, however, has also been imported into the new blog home, and with enhancements.)
But before you toss that confetti in the air, I am now conducting my bloggy business at a new address: Please update your bookmarks and feed subscriptions forthwith. See you around.
(The content will remain live on this site so as to make sure that permalinks don't break for others. I'm too lazy to test all the possible scenarious with referrals. Most of the content here, however, has also been imported into the new blog home, and with enhancements.)
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